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SUIT VR Backpack Mk2 Nearing Completion
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SUIT VR Backpack Mk2 Nearing Completion

We can finally share a little progress update on our new SUIT release. Following weeks of development, I am happy to share some details of the progress. We’re planning to release this new SUIT Mk2 in the spring.

We launched the first release of SUIT in 2017. Since then, we’ve learned a lot of lessons and collected customer insight, as well as new needs and wishes. We’ve integrated many of these in the new SUIT Mk2 VR backpack.

The picture shows the 2 generations side-by-side. The new Mk2 computing box is designed from scratch and housed in a custom-made metal shell. We added many benefits like extra computing power and improved moisture resistance. The extra computing power gives you added possibilities. You can now use:
  • larger virtual environments
  • more computer generated avatars (such as crowds)
  • higher resolution of visuals in the Head Mounted Display.

The higher resolution makes quite a difference during a scenario: “is the person in front of me holding a pencil or is it a weapon?” Rain and batteries are not a very good combination! We moved the batteries from the front of the Smart Vest to inside the computing box. The added protection takes us closer to an outdoor-proof version of the SUIT system. We’ll be testing the new equipment extensively in the coming weeks to see how it behaves in real training conditions. More to follow soon!

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