The need for speed is a quality on it’s own

Great read: the need for speed is a quality on it’s own.  With a spot on 🎯 quote from Palantir’s Shyam Sankar “Today the bureaucracy tries to minimize risk to programs, but paradoxically maximizes risk to mission. We sacrifice speed on the altar of control”.

Super-cognition for CBRN operations on-track in EDF’s MoSaiC

In MOSAIC, RE-liON is advancing an existing C2 system with immersive technology to enhance rapid understanding and on-the-loop warfighter-machine teaming using an intuitive user-interface. The project, backed by the European Defense Fund (EDF) and the 5 member states Italy, Denmark, Austria, Estonia and The Netherlands, aims to streamline decision-making for CBRN operations in hostile and […]

RE-liON wins framework contract for digital twin technology in defense

We’re excited to announce we’ve won the tender of European Defense Agency’s (EDA) Explore Defense Digital Twins (EDDI) project. This initiative leverages the potential of Digital Twin technology across all domains of Human, Space, Maritime, Air, and Land systems. It will establish a new benchmark for defense and dual-use technology by integrating machine learning, simulation, […]

What makes a Smartvest Smart?

You might wonder: what’s a Smartvest and why is it smart anyways? It’s smart due to all the electronics in it that are interacting together in a way that benefits instead of disturbing the user. Let’s get into more detail of what is needed to make this work. How to Design your Virtual Reality Training […]

SUIT VR Backpack Mk2 Nearing Completion

We can finally share a little progress update on our new SUIT release. Following weeks of development, I am happy to share some details of the progress. We’re planning to release this new SUIT Mk2 in the spring. We launched the first release of SUIT in 2017. Since then, we’ve learned a lot of lessons […]

Thoughts about increasing Efficiency in Learning

Many courses take place at the (central) training centres. This is not always practical nor efficient. This is especially visible during this pandemic, now we’re all forced to work from home and limit physical contact with our colleagues. Many organizations have already split their curricula in individual and collective training. One can also break out […]

The Positive Impact of Informal After Action Reviews

Made it just in time before the end of my week. Every once in a while, you come across articles that are worthwhile spending time on. This is an article about After Action Reviews (AARs) that includes a practical template. It takes about 10 minutes to read: Police1: The AAR, an effective assessment tool for […]

Tactical Belt Prototype in H2020 SHOTPROS

BLUESUIT Tactical Belt

Last week’s post was about the Horizon 2020 Shotpros project. This week as well. I can finally give you a peek of our deliverables now that we’re past the mid-term review. The University of Leuven in Belgium held interviews with many of the participating Police Forces. The outcome shows the majority agrees that more realistic […]

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